ketika anda memutuskan untuk
pijat, pastikan bahwa therapis anda
berpengalaman sehingga anda
berada di tangan yang aman dan
bagi anda yang tidak punya waktu
untuk pergi ke tempat pijat, anda
dapat menghubungi kami untuk
datang ke tempat anda.
kami melayani panggilan ke
hotel,rumah dan tempat lain sesuai dengan kenyamanan anda..
kami melayani panggilan 24 jam
hubungi kami di 081214523871
untuk wilayah cirebon
YOUR MASSAGE ON-DEMAND Book a massage delivered to your home, hotel or wherever you are. layanan jasa pijat kebugaran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan anda kami melayani panggilan 24 jam ke tempat anda layanan cepat tepat waktu sesuai jadwal yang anda inginkan. Nikmati relaxasi pijat kebugaran dengan tenaga therapis yang berpengalaman di bidangnya phone: 081214523871 untuk pemesanan via sms #nama #hotel,nomer kamar / alamat rumah #jam. Call/wa 081214523871 FULLBODY MASSAGE IDR 100K/HOURS *
Jumat, 12 September 2014
massages available. Calm your
mind, body, and spirit with a
gentle Swedish massage, a
rhythmic massage, that relaxes
the body and mind. It is lighter
in touch than other forms of
massage and includes long
flowing strokes, kneading, and
friction techniques. This
massage can help with myriad
of problems, from aches, pains
and stiffness to poor flexibility
and circulation. Swedish
massage contributes to overall
well-being, improves circulation,
increases energy, eases stiffness,
and reduces stress, tension,
insomnia, anxiety, and
*Some benefits of Swedish
#Improves blood and lymph
#Stimulates the flushing of
metabolic waste products
(lactic acid, urea and uric
acid) from the body’s muscle
#Speeds the healing process of
muscle strain, some injuries
and illnesses
#Reduces swelling and breaks
down adhesions, and
#Improves joint flexibility and
increases range of motion
Shiatsu is a Japanese form of
bodywork. The word shiatsu
means “finger pressure”, and
Shiatsu can be described as a
finger pressure massage.
How does shiatsu work? Like
acupuncture, Shiatsu is based on
the holistic system of traditional
Chinese medicine, where illness
is thought to result from
imbalances in the natural flow
of energy, or qi (pronounced
“chee”) through the body. Your
therapist uses finger and palm
pressure to energetic pathways,
called meridians to improve the
flow of qi. A scientific
explanation is that Shiatsu calms
an overactive sympathetic
nervous system, which improves
circulation, relieves stiff
muscles, and alleviates stress.
What does shiatsu feel like? The
Shiatsu therapist applies
pressure using her fingers,
thumbs, and/or palms in a
continuous rhythmic sequence.
The pressure feels more
localized, because unlike other
types of massage, the finger
pads are used to apply pressure
for most of the treatment
instead of the entire palm.
Certain pressure points may feel
wonderful, while others may
feel tender.
Vedic Thai Massage-Assisted
Yoga is traditionally performed
on a large comfortable cotton
futon floor mat which gives the
receiver both comfort and full-
body support. Working on the
floor also allows the therapist to
move freely around and above
the client, making for effective
use of the therapist’s
bodyweight and mechanics. The
therapist can also work with the
receiver in a variety of positions,
including prone, supine, side-
lying, and seated. Thai on the
table is more common and is
just as effective for the receiver.
Our therapist will help you with
your positions and will
accommodate your comfort.
In a Vedic Thai Massage-
Assisted Yoga session you will
wear loose-fitting or stretchy
clothing that allows your body to
move, no oils are needed. The
techniques used work far
beneath the surface of the body,
effecting the deeper layers of
the muscles and skeleton.
Treatments are routinely
modified to include sensitivities
addressing acute and chronic
conditions, including: herniated
disks, muscle strain,
subluxations, joint replacements,
surgeries, and pregnancy.
The Thai-Yoga Therapist doesn’t
just use the power of their
hands and fingers. They use
their hands, their fingers, their
palms, arms, knees, and feet,
along with the receiver’s body
weight and their resistance to
provide a deeply moving
experience. The Thai-Yoga
Therapist enters into a
meditative awareness adapting
every asana stretch and
technique to the client’s exact
need, whether soft or strong.
towards athletes and usually
given before or after an athletic
practice or event. Before an
event, it promotes peak
performance, improves flexibility
and endurances, and reduce the
risk of injury. After an event to
reduces muscle soreness and
swelling, breaks down toxins,
and improves blood circulation.
rub? Reflexology is the practice
of applying pressure to the feet
and hands with thumb, finger
and hand techniques based on a
system of areas that reflect an
image of the body on the feet
and hands with a premise that
such work effects a physical
change in the body. The premise
behind reflexology is that there
are Reflex areas on the feet and
hands that correspond to specific
organs, glands, and other parts
of the body. Certain areas on
the feet and hands are linked to
areas and organs of the body.
Applying pressure to these
reflex areas promotes health in
the corresponding organs.
This massage uses slow strokes
and deep pressure to work on
tight areas to release specific
muscle tension and restore
flexibility. Deep-Tissue Massage
is generally slower than
Swedish, this technique goes
deeper into the muscle and
connective tissue to release
chronic tension which might
have developed from injury or
Kamis, 11 September 2014
Menerima panggilan ke hotel
Green relaxy
Menerima panggilan ke hotel wilayah cirebon
Anda dapat menghubungi lewat telpon untuk info dan menjadawalkan pijat anda
Layanan kami 24 jam
Rabu, 10 September 2014
Back pain is one of the most common
conditions that people suffer from
today. But, when you’re talking about
experiencing sciatica pain that shoots
from your lower back into your glute
area and legs, it can be difficult to sit,
stand and move around to accomplish
your daily tasks. Massage therapy can
help alleviate pain for both sciatica or
piriformis syndrome sufferers
pijat panggilan cirebon outcall massage service in cirebon area
call today for more info or to schedule your
phone: 081214523871
your health maintenance plan, by:
Reducing or eliminating pain
Improving joint mobility
Improving circulation
Improving immune system
Increasing lymphatic drainage
Reducing depression and anxiety
Reducing tension within muscles
Increasing body awareness
Green relaxy Menerima pijat panggilan daerah cirebon hotel/rumah
bagi anda yang tidak punya waktu untuk pergi ke tempat pijat, anda dapat menghubungi kami untuk datang ke tempat anda.
kami melayani panggilan ke hotel,rumah dan tempat lain sesuai kenyamanan anda..
kami melayani panggilan 24 jam
hubungi kami di 081214523871
untuk wilayah cirebon
Traditional massage
Pijat cirebon
Pijat urut kebugaran untuk capek dan pegal pegal Pijat panggilan ke tempat andaCall 081214523871

Sports masaage therapy buat anda yang aktif berolahraga, nikmati pengalaman pijat yang aman dan nyaman untuk otot dan kulit anda, menghilan...
ketika anda memutuskan untuk pijat, pastikan bahwa therapis anda berpengalaman sehingga anda berada di tangan yang aman dan nyaman. bag...